The ALNPP Professional Learning Network provides free professional development to Learn Local pre-accredited practitioners who have completed the ALNPP.

If you have completed the ALNPP but are unsure if you are enrolled in the PLN, please e-mail [email protected]


ALNPP PLN 6: Cognitive Load Theory – working and sensory memory

When: 11th December 2023 @ 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Presenter: Chèmene Sinson

About: Chemène is an industry leader in education and performance, drawing on her broad experience as an Olympic athlete, national-level sports coach and coach mentor, schoolteacher, and adult educator to inform her work.  She mentors and supports experienced facilitators and assessors with their ongoing professional development and is a regular speaker at conferences and special events. Chemène specialises in TAE qualifications and has written TAE materials used by organisations throughout Australia.

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ALNPP PLN 7: Financial literacy

When: 29th January 2024 @ 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Presenter: Chris Tully

About: Chris Tully has worked in the Adult Education field for 31 years across a range of areas, teaching numeracy. Prior to this, she worked as a Mathematics teacher in the secondary system.  Over the last 10 years she has worked in the Literacy and Numeracy support area, coordinating literacy and numeracy support to a variety of VET programs. She also has contributed to the Australian Core Skills Framework as an expert commentator. She has been involved in the accreditation and re-accreditation of various curriculum and training packages including the Certificates in General Education for Adults.

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ALNPP PLN 8: Digital literacy and how to incorporate it into the classroom

When: 19th February 2024 @ 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Presenter: Pauline Wilson

About: Pauline Wilson is an experienced professional with over 15 years of expertise in adult learning. Throughout a long career, she has held various roles, including as a teacher and learning designer. With a strong belief in the power of lifelong learning, Pauline is dedicated to creating engaging and inclusive learning experiences for adult learners. Pauline is also an accomplished author of historical fiction having published her first book in July 2022. Her other interests include reading, researching her family history and taking long reflective walks.

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