Organisations are eligible for Full Membership provided that they are:

  1. a) recognised by the Association as a neighbourhood house, learning centre, or neighbourhood house network;
  2. b) not-for-profit community-based, community managed, independently incorporated associations, co-operatives or companies limited by guarantee;
  3. c) are located in Victoria.

Organisations that do not meet the criteria for full membership are eligible for Associate Membership.

As auspiced Neighbourhood Houses requires a legal entity to enter into a contract of membership, the auspicing agent is effectively the contract holder and will not meet full membership criteria unless the auspicing organisation is a Neighbourhood House or Neighbourhood House Network.

Associate members comprise a range of legal entity types, may operate a funded or unfunded Neighbourhood House and vary in legal entity income levels. Each distinct Neighbourhood House associate requires its own associate membership.

To standardise the approach to membership pricing, the following method is applied to Associate Members categorised as one of the following:

  • Registered Company
  • Health Service
  • Local Government Authority (LGA)
  • Self Assessed Not For Profit, (Not a registered charity)
  • Charity[1] (Other than a health service)
    • Large Charity - annual revenue of $3 million or more
    • Medium Charity - annual revenue of $500,000 or more, but under $3 million
    • Small Charity - annual revenue under $500,000

Associate members other than LGAs[2] that do not run a Neighbourhood House have their income category based on total income for the preceding year for the legal entity.

For Associate members that run a Neighbourhood House, income for Associate Membership purposes is determined dependent on the entity categories as per the table below.

[1] Charity size as per the Australian Charities and Not For Profit Commission

[2] There is a separate Associate Membership flat rate fee for LGAs