News and events News Elevating adult community education Wednesday 14 November 2019 Neighbourhood Houses Victoria CEO Nicole Battle attended Parliament House today to witness Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney launch her Ministerial Statement 'The Future of Adult Community Education in Victoria 2020-25'. The statement, something NHVic has advocated strongly for, is the first of its kind in 15 years and is an important declaration of the important role adult community education plays in the post-secondary education. It provides a strategic direction for the sector over the next five years with aspirations and goals outlined across three priority areas: Capability building Preparing learners for work, study and full participation in society Inclusion and engagement Neighbourhood houses account for two-thirds of all Learn Local providers - that's around 200 of them. They play a crucial role in the provision of quality education for adult learners across Victoria, especially those experiencing disadvantage. They are a foot in the door, helping to kick start pathways into further education or employment in non-intimidating, community-based settings. At the launch event, Minister Tierney acknowledged, "By visiting so many Learn Locals, particularly in the last 12 months, I have been overwhelmed by knowing that there are so many of you out there, working so tirelessly. I'm very pleased about this statement because my whole motivation is to try and elevate the status of community adult education in this state. By elevating it, it means people get to know what is going on in their communities, what skills are available, and indeed what possible jobs and further study is available. It is about equity of access. Sometimes it's about getting a great start in a new life - whether you are born in this country or from another country." Adult, Community and Further Education Board Chairperson Maria Peters said, “Adult learners and the wider Victorian community will benefit from this roadmap. It outlines an important strategy to give people the skills they need for life.” To view the Ministerial Statement, visit the Department of Education and Training website.