News and events News NHVic turns 40! Monday 12 November 2019 Attendees at today's AGM were treated to a surprise - Neighbourhood Houses Victoria's 40th anniversary celebrations. After the formalities which included special guests Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers, and Health, Anthony Carbines MP, and Executive Manager for the United Nation Association, Sophie Arnold, Vice President Julie Johnston surprised everyone by revealing a heart house cake to mark our 40th year. In 1979, with around 40 houses established and meeting regularly, a state peak body called The Association of Neighbourhood Learning Centers (ANLC) was formed. It would later be renamed Neighbourhood Houses Victoria decades later in 2015. Nicole Battle, Neighbourhood Houses Victoria CEO, said the milestone almost went unnoticed. "A month or so ago, just by chance, when looking through some old documents, we uncovered that NHVic was founded in 1979, meaning 2019 marks our 40 year anniversary! 40 years is a massive achievement for any organisation, let alone a peak body which relies on the unwavering support of its members to continue on. We salute the trail-blazing women of the 70s who wanted to get away from “the kitchen sink” and create opportunities to make meaningful change and become leaders in their communities. Four decades later, their legacy lives on. We asked Mary Parfrey to cut the cake to acknowledge her finishing up as Manager of Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre after 22 years! We also had several other long-time managers and staff in the room – thank you for everything you’ve done and continue to do – your commitment to our sector is incredibly appreciated." We encourage everyone to share our Happy Birthday video on Facebook – let’s spread the word far and wide that our sector has been strengthening and empowering local Victorian communities for 40 years! Photos from the event have been added to the Galleries page. For more information on the history of our sector, visit the Our history page.