Message from the Board: Indigenous Voice to Parliament Statement

At our conference, I announced that the Board had resolved to support the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. This decision was a culmination of ongoing Board discussions and consultation with Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisations among our NHVic membership. 

The response from conference attendees was overwhelmingly in support of this position.

We were fortunate to have many strong Indigenous voices at conference, from Bunurong elders Jarrod West and Aunty Dyan Summers, to First Peoples Assembly Representative Rueben Berg and NHVic’s own Kath Coff, CEO of Nalderun.

We had feedback that the statement didn’t recognise the powerful contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and knowledge, and the need to continuously listen, and learn, from each other. We have worked with Kath to revise the statement based on these learnings.

Over the coming months, we’ll share resources and initiatives for Houses who want to provide practical support for the ‘Yes’ campaign.

Kind regards,

Shima Ibuki
President, Neighbourhood Houses Victoria 



Neighbourhood Houses Victoria supports the Voice to Parliament

The Uluru Statement from the Heart invites us to walk with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on the journey to a better Australia.

Neighbourhood Houses were started by women for the economic empowerment and safety of women. We are now a sector of more than 400 organisations at the heart of their communities, including eight Aboriginal-owned community organisations.

We have assisted every new wave of migrant to integrate; supported farming community through drought; helped communities respond and rebuild from fire and flood.

We acknowledge that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are one of the oldest, ongoing, living cultures who have adapted and honoured country, and are still here today.

We believe communities thrive when they control their own destiny.

We believe every community member has the right to be heard, and that people flourish when they have the autonomy and resources to reach their full potential.

The Uluru Statement makes this urgent request: to take action through Voice, Treaty and Truth.

In response, Neighbourhood Houses will do what we always do: actively listen, learn with an open heart, organise and act, while taking the lead from First Nations people.

We heed the call of the Uluru Statement for a ‘fair and truthful relationship with the people of Australia and a hopeful future for [all] children’ where Aboriginal and First Nations people are honoured and respected.

In this way healing can continue for everyone and we can all move forward together.

We support the Voice to Parliament and encourage all Neighbourhood Houses to walk with Indigenous communities on the journey to Treaty and Truth.
