News and events News Supporting Ukrainian youth and community workers Neighbourhood Houses Victoria has been participating in an online forum with youth workers from Ukraine since early 2022. The forum is a way to provide ongoing one on one support for the youth workers and their colleagues. Each Friday, there's a group catch up online to hear how these Ukrainian youth and community workers are going. Neighbourhood Houses Victoria also donated $5,000 through The International Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers (IFS) to fund an out of country camp for youth to get away from the conflict for a while. These photos show a snippet of this camp. One of the participants included this message: "These photos show the sincere emotions of the participants as they spent time together. I am also sending photos of the things we bought with your help. Many thanks to you and your colleagues for such great support!" We're very proud to contribute to this important cause, and thrilled to see the positive outcome of this ongoing project.