Associations Incorporation Reform Regulations Expand In response to: Associations Incorporation Reform Regulations 2012 (Vic)-Targeted Consultation Submitted: April 2023 Summary:As the Peak Membership Body for more than 400 Incorporated Associations in Victoria NHVic are very interested in participating in the consultation and, following the format of the ‘Issues Paper’ provided, have provided a response to each question posed. Download
Victorian Skills Plan Expand In response to: Victorian Skills Authority's Victorian Skills Plan Submitted: November 2021 Summary: NHVic partnered with ACEVic for this submission which provides recommendations on: how the education and training system can better support communities and how industries can meet current and future workforce needs how to support individuals in understanding the skills they need and accessing the required education
Access to TAFE for learners with disability Expand In response to: Victorian Legislative Assembly Economy and Infrastructure Committee’s Inquiry into access to TAFE for learners with disability Submitted: October 2020 Summary: NHVic contributed to this submission led by ACEVic. Adult and community education (ACE) plays a pivotal role in the pathway to success for many learners with disability. ACE prepares learners with disability to transition into TAFE – and further, to succeed in accredited training and gain employment. This submission seeks appropriate recognition of ACE and the necessary resources to strengthen partnerships and pathways between the public and community providers of adult education to support learners with a disability to thrive in education, work and life.
Portable Long Service Leave Expand In response to: Long Service Benefit Portability Regulations 2020 (Vic) and the Long ServiceBenefit Portability Act 2018 (Vic) Submitted: April 2023 Summary: The Neighbourhood and Community, Houses and Centres (NCHCs) sector is strongly committed to portable long service leave and has had a provision within the sector for portability in the sector-wide collective agreement, the Neighbourhood Houses and Adult Community Education Centres Collective Agreement (NHACE),4 since 2010, well prior to the Portable Long-Service Benefit being introduced. The design, implementation, and administration of the Long Service Benefits Portability Regulations 2020 (Vic) (the Regulations) for the scheme have caused significant issues for NCHCs since inception. Download In response to: Draft Long Service Leave Benefits Portability Interim Regulations Submitted: June 2020 Summary: Whilst NHVic supports the concept of portable long service, it is opposed to the forced introduction of the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme. Our members have expressed great concern about the increased operational and administrative costs, lack of coverage clarity, incompatibility with existing EBA arrangements and the complexity and duration of record keeping that the scheme places on small community-based organisations like Neighbourhood Houses. All in all, the cumulative impact of the PLSBS actually has the potential to jeopardise the ongoing employment of the very people that the scheme is purporting to help. Download
Skills for Victoria Expand In response to: Department of Education and Training's 'Skills for Victoria' Issues Paper Submitted: June 2020 Summary: Our submission puts forward several recommendations including: Advocate federally for a shift to a new VET system adopting and adapting key features of successful European economies, including the expansion of apprenticeships or traineeships. Develop an integrated VET structure that articulates the role of Learn Local providers as a complementary provider of accredited and pre-accredited training. Reform the funding mechanism to ensure the actual cost of high-quality delivery is covered with consideration of learner need, market size and provider scale. Incentivise and resource collaboration between Learn Local providers and TAFEs
Adequacy of Newstart and other welfare payments Expand In response to: Senate Inquiry Submitted: September 2019 Summary: In partnership with our state counterparts, we submitted our calls for: an immediate $75 per week income to the single rate of allowances including Newstart an immediate 30% increase in Commonwealth Rent Assistance the establishment of an independent expert panel to set future rates for pensions and allowances the inclusion of a wage-based component in determining future indexation the regular review of rates by the independent expert panel replacing Family Tax Benefit part B for single parents with a supplement that increases as children grow
Victoria's mental health system Expand In response to: Royal Commission into Victoria's mental health system Submitted: July 2019 Summary: As places where people with mental health issues participate equally alongside other community members in a range of activities and capacities over time, Neighbourhood Houses undoubtedly contribute to improved attitudes to people with mental illness.
Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (2019–2023) Expand In response to: Department of Health and Human Services' Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Draft Plan Submitted: June 2019 Summary: While the plan’s priorities are targeted at a limited number of contributors to the Sate’s burden of disease; other factors, including social isolation, often contribute to adoption and maintenance of unhealthy lifestyle choices. Improving people’s self reported social connection, and sense of health and wellbeing are documented outcomes of the Neighbourhood House program. The mobilisation of local community resources in response to local needs and contexts is a key strength of the neighbourhood house sector. Where local activity supports the broader plan goals, the activity should be actively supported.
The social and economic benefits of improving mental health Expand In response to: Productivity Commission Inquiry Submitted: April 2019 Summary: The Neighbourhood House sector in Victoria has a track record of achieving strong social inclusion outcomes but operates with significant capacity constraints. With 90 per cent of Victoria’s Neighbourhood Houses funded at less than full time with the majority funded for just 25 hours per week of coordination, there is significant potential to increase activities that strengthen mental health and wellbeing with relatively modest investment.
Future opportunities for adult learners in Victoria Expand In response to: Department of Education and Training's 'Future Opportunities for Adult Learners in Victoria Pathways to Participation and Jobs' Discussion Paper Submitted: August 2018 Summary: Investing in outreach and engagement in the ACE sector is possibly the single most effective strategy that can lead to increased participation by learners with high needs and low language, literacy and numeracy.