Resource Library  >  Online sessions

This page provides an archive of some of our previously held Zoom sessions.

Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia (CRSA) Info Session

Date: 9 April 2024

The Australian Government has partnered with Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia (CRSA) in the design and delivery of a new Australian community sponsorship program for refugees, known as the ‘CRISP’ (Community Refugee Integration and Settlement Pilot). We welcome you to join us for an online info session to learn more about the wonderful work at CRSA, and ANHCA’s partnership. 


Incorporated Associations and Model Rules Info Session

Date: 27 February 2024

There have been changes to the regulations around model rules with the introduction of the Associations Incorporation Reform Regulations (2023). If you are using model rules, or have reported using model rules, these changes have come into effect and may have impacted your constitution


DGR, Constitutions & ACNC

Date: 20 February 2024

Cameron MacRae will talk through some of the changes, what they mean for your organisation, and how you can make sure you meet the requirements and definitions of charity status and tax exemptions. 


New Rules for Fixed Term Contracts

Date: 13 February 2024

The Australian Government has amended the Fair Work Act to place conditions on the use of fixed term contracts when engaging employees. In this information session, we will help you understand these new rules in the context of the Neighbourhood and Community House and Centre sector.


Neighbour Day Info Session

Date: 2 November 2023

To support you to create and share belonging on Neighbour Day, we have invited Sam Robinson of Relationships Australia, Neighbours Every Day Campaign Manager, to walk you through the campaign and how easy it is to get involved. 


NHCP Refresher Training

Date: 18 October 2023

David Perry walks through for refresher training on the required activities for Neighbourhood Houses to comply with the NHCP, including what data is collected and how it is worked out.


Yes23 Info Session

Date: 28 June 2023

Dr Heather Wearne joined us on behalf of the Yes23 campaign to share important information and perspective that can help us engage in conversations about the campaign. See further resources here.


NILS Surviving to Thriving

Date: 15 June 2023

Lee Kerr will talk you through No Interest Loans and other financial first aid options to help your team assist your local community members, particularly with recovery from domestic and family violence.


Child Safe Training - RANCH/CHANH

Date: 7 June 2023

The CHANH and RANCH networks undertook Child Safe Training and agreed to share their recording for the benefit of other Houses in the sector.


Child Safe Training - RANCH/CHANH

Date: 6 June 2023

The CHANH and RANCH networks undertook Child Safe Training and agreed to share their recording for the benefit of other Houses in the sector.


Recordings Managing Contractors and the Associated Risks

Date: 13 April 2023
Guest speakers: Salt Legal, ANHCA

Every organisation is responsible for classifying your workers for tax and super purposes. If you make an incorrect decision, you may face penalties. On 9 February 2022, the High Court handed down decisions in CFMMEU v Personnel Contracting [2022] HCA 1 and ZG Operations v Jamsek [2022] HCA 2, which impact ATO advice and guidance in relation to classifying workers.


Learn about GIVIT

Date: 15 June 2023
Guest speakers: GIVIT

GIVIT is a national not-for-profit organisation that channels generosity to where it is really needed, to support vulnerable people and communities in Australia. GIVIT captures all donations of items and services online, removing the need for charities and services to sort, store and dispose of unsolicited donations, saving valuable resources. Charities and services can also request exactly what is needed for the individuals and community they support.
