A huge response to our State Election advocacy campaign

Ahead of the Victorian State Election in November, we are advocating for a fair, permanent increase to Neighbourhood House Coordination Program (NHCP) funding. Here's the progress we've made so far. Read more

Message from the Board

Our CEO Nicole Battle has accepted the position of Director Community Development at Alice Springs Town Council, leaving behind a legacy of achievements for the Neighbourhood House sector. Read more

National sector lays out its Federal election priorities

For the upcoming Federal election, climate change is the leading issue for people who participate, work or volunteer at Neighbourhood Houses across Australia, according to a recent poll. Read more

Community voices to inform state recovery

Neighbourhood Houses Victoria is partnering with the Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS) to hear from local communities about their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more

Signing off on another year through a global pandemic

CEO Nicole Battle acknowledges the hard work and determination of the sector, which has unwaveringly continued to uplift communities during very challenging times. Read more

2021 National Science Week

Several neighbourhood houses have received grants from Inspiring Victoria to deliver fun, informative and interactive activities during National Science Week. Read more