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Community Development

The aim of neighbourhood house community development (NH CD) practice is to increase involvement and partnership among members of a community to achieve common objectives.

The NH CD model involves a style of practice that is facilitative, developmental and relies on strong and inclusive relationships within the house and with the wider community. It involves local people, community organisations, government, business and philanthropic organisations working together to achieve agreed social, economic and environmental objectives.  As a result of this practice, the activities associated with neighbourhood houses are very dynamic, leading to a diverse and evolving range of community-strengthening outcomes.

The NH CD model and the principles underpinning it are outlined in the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program Guidelines 2016-2019 document:

  • See pages 13-22: The Community Development Model 
  • See page 30: The Sector Principles see Appendix 1 

The NH CD model aligns strongly with international standards for community development as established by the International Association of Community Development.


Neighbourhood houses work to be inclusive and accessible and have clear, visible policies and planning processes to support this.